Commission a pet portrait or personalized painting
Here you can learn about steps of ordering a personalized painting and about prices for commissioned art work.
Pet Portrait Painting
You have an option of choosing between edge canvas, ready to hang directly on your wall, thin edge canvas, perfect for framing in a float frame, or cotton or oil paper, what also will look nice framed. You can also choose between Oil on mixed Media or loose Oil painting techniques.
Personalized Painting
You have an option of choosing between edge canvas, ready to hang directly on your wall, or 100% cotton paper, what will look nice framed. On personalised painting I work with Oil on Mixed Media technique.
It can be an animal painting, landscape, fan art or something else.
To order a custom art work, follow some simple steps :
Step 1
Contact me with request and we will start the conversation.
Let me know what kind of painting would you like to order. Is it a pet portrait, spirit animal or personalized painting.
Send me reference images or inspiration images. If it is a pet portrait, then please send me only high quality photos.
Let me know what are 3 of my paintings you like the most. So I know what style are you attracted to.
Once we aligned with art work idea, we then agree on a price point.
Step 2
Pay 50% deposit (non refundable)
Step 3
Once the first half of your painting price is paid, I will then start working on a digital sketch. After digital sketch is approved by you, I will then start painting process. During the process of painting I may send you few e-mails with photos of painting process.
Step 4
Once the painting is complete, I will reveal a high resolution image of your new painting.
Second part - 50% should be paid within one week after completion of the work
After the piece is fully dry, I will then carefully package your painting, coordinate all of the shipping arrangements and it will be on it’s way to it’s forever home with you.
If you have any further questions or special requests, feel free to reach out.
I would love to create a personalized painting for you.
Keep in mind, that all custom works are based on my style of painting. To get the best result of a commission art piece, it is better to keep open mind. Give me freedom to create in my style the best work for you.
Keep in mind, big custom paintings may take up to 3 months to produce and dry, but if You in a hurry, please let me know and we figure out timing for Your commission.
* Available to ship worldwide.
*Payment is devided into two parts. First part - 50% of the total (non-refundable), to secure the reservation of the work. Second part - 50% to be paid within one week after completion of the work.
*Deposit is non-refundable, and will be applied towards the overall cost of the commission.
* Anastassia retains all rights to make products of the digital version of commissioned work, including, but not limited to: prints, stickers, backpacks, yoga mats, hats, apparel, etc. If you would like to purchase exclusivity of your original, an additional fee may be negotiated.
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